An Allegheny County judge acted correctly when she sentenced a sex predator to a 20- to 40-year prison term to ensure he’ll be too old to molest foreign children when he is eventually deported, a state appeals court panel has ruled. Full Article
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Oh really?
Not clear what definition of molestation this Judge used, however most definitions cover conduct that does not involve too much strenuous activity. Merely touching someone under a minimum age as described in molestation laws is enough to trigger the legal penalties if caught. Then there’s having someone under the minimum age touch the adult as described in laws. Age has little to do with being able to make these things occur so this judge is living in an alternate reality.
So, this might support International Megan Law?
It seems anything else horrible could have been done to the children and there would, in comparison, be a minor price to be paid, such as slavery, physical abuse, etc; but add the sex component to it-and it’s off with the head!